Thermal Power

India primarily depends upon Thermal Power Plants for electricity generation – Thermal Plants have an installed capacity of 234.7 GW (a share of 61.3% of 373 GW).

Under Thermal, Coal is the single largest source of energy for electricity production. As of May 2021, out of 234 GW of total thermal capacity, 206 MW is attributed to Coal (88%).

Coal fired thermal power plants entail several segments that need the attention of industry experts and scholars to throw light on several parameters such as continuous emersion monitoring systems (CEMS), energy efficiency, water chemistry, heating ventilation and air conditioning(HVAC), etc.


India is presently third in the list of the largest renewable energy producers and consumers of electricity. The country received 136 GW out of 373 GW (38%) of the aggregate installed energy capacity from renewable sources in 2020.

By 2030, India is aiming to garner 450 gigawatts of installed renewable energy capacity, out of which more than 60% (280 GW) of energy would be derived from solar energy.

In the coming decades, India is poised to be a leader in the renewable energy market. Thus, this segment would witness the maximum traction in terms of new technology, cost efficiency, government norms, and incentives which from time to time will witness debates/discussions about the efficiency and viability of such projects.

Transmission & Distribution

Electricity is a concurrent subject at Entry 38 in List III of the seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India. The natural resources needed for the generation of electricity are either irregularly scattered or thickly concentrated throughout India.

The Economic Survey for 2020-21 stated that India faced sizeable losses in the Transmission and Distribution (T&D) vertical of the value chain. These were extensively high opposed to peer nations.

An idyllic range for T&D losses is in the range of 6 to 8%. India, however has surpassed this with an appalling figure of around 20% – double than the world average. The double-digit ultimately entails scrutiny, discussions and solutions from industry experts and scholars.