
Council of Enviro Excellence enables the participant organizations to compare and benchmark themselves and their managers across the industry.
The award is instituted in order to motivate professionals among member companies to form Quality Circles within their organization and also to create opportunity to showcase their ideas and share experiences.
Recognize, acknowledge and showcase the achievements of the leading companies in energy sector.

Aim and Objectives

To recognize and reward excellence in energy efficiency.
To facilitate sharing of knowledge and implementation of best practices among the industry units.
To inculcate a culture and spirit of innovation, with the aim to help energy sector in India achieve world class energy efficiency standards.
To instill a sense of competition to motivate other plants to achieve excellence and establish futurity by pinpointing specific initiatives focused on energy optimization.
To identify, recognize and reward organizations with “Great Managers” in India.
To identify the current social and environmental issues along with its sustainable solutions that may lead to the growth and development of nation as well as the responsible businesses.

Other Guidelines:

The board of Advisors and Selection Committee(s) for the awards play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of the awards and enhancing the objectives of CEE.