Council of Enviro Excellence 

Council of Enviro Excellence [CEE] is an autonomous, national level, non-government, not for profit initiatives organization, focusing on public interest, research and advocacy on the issues related to energy sector.

India Power Sector

India is currently the fourth largest consumer of global energy, following China, United States, and European Union.

Non-conventional and conventional sources come together to provide a wide range of sources for the foundation of power generation. This makes the Indian power sector one of the most vibrant sectors worldwide.

Strengthened by a constant growth in the rate of GDP, India is poised to move up the ladder by 2030 and surpass European Union. Thus, India’s power sector is being watched by global industry behemoths such as large power plant producers and technology providers.

The Council of Enviro Excellence (CEE) aims to be the body that brings all the key stakeholders in the energy industry value chain on the same platform.

What do we do

Virtual Masterclass
Virtual Workshops

Focus Sectors

Thermal Power

India primarily depends upon Thermal Power Plants for electricity generation – Thermal Plants have an installed capacity of 234.7 GW (a share of 61.3% of 373 GW).


India is presently third in the list of the largest renewable energy producers and consumers of electricity. The country received 136 GW out of 373 GW (38%) of the aggregate installed energy capacity from renewable sources in 2020.

Transmission & Distribution

Electricity is a concurrent subject at Entry 38 in List III of the seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India.

Upcoming Events

If you have any inquiries you may call +91 98214 19110